With Tahseen Dastgir

Build Your 7-Figure Ecommerce Buisness

Course Outline

This Amazon & Shopify Course can literally be life & career-changing!

Even if you’re a complete beginner & don’t have an idea about Amazon & Shopify.

These Online Courses will teach you step-by-step All the valuable skills that you literally need to be a successful Amazon & Shopify expert.


Who is tahseen

Tahseen Dastgir is a Digital Marketing & Shopify Expert.✅

All You Need To Know 👇 Click to Watch

"DA 1 PERCENT: Where elite strategies meet unparalleled success, propelling businesses to the forefront of ecommerce excellence."

John S.

You Can Skip This If You’re Looking For A Get Rich Quick Scheme This is a Serious Long Term & Successful Career Path, Not A Shortcut.

Our Results👇

Shopify Sales

Last Year 7.19M Sale✅

"Last year, one Shopify store achieved an impressive 7.19 Million in sales, showcasing the platform's immense potential for driving revenue."

Shopify Sale

1 Month Sale 4Lac 38 Thousand✅

"In just one month, a single Shopify store soared to 438,000 in sales, highlighting the platform's effectiveness in driving significant revenue growth."

Shopify Course

Shopify Local Ecommerce✅

"Shopify: Your local ecommerce hub, empowering businesses to thrive in their communities with seamless online retail solutions."

We are thrilled to share with you the success story of one of our students

Ecommerce Journey

How I Started My Ecommerce Journey

No one actually ever thought that someone like me would be delivering talks at the most prestigious institutes in the country, working with one of the biggest names in Pakistan & America, inspiring thousands of fellows on social media with a following of over 25,000 & a lot more to share & be grateful for.

Students Are Satisfied✅